By PDLCPayday Loans
Welcome to the next few months of my life. I'm happy to be working on a giant
animation on a wall at Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, Washington. I'm going to try
my best to keep an updated sort of story and post photos as the project progresses.
I will be animating a music video for Not Like Any Other Feeling, by Portland band The Thermals.
If you want to check out the awesome song, you can listen to it here.
To see other videos I have made, look here.
Here is a link to Wallrus (this projects umbrella) info.
WHOA. This project is over. JEEZ. It got so busy I couldn't even update this website.
I don't know how that lady from Julie/Julia did it. Blogging every night after she cooked?
How exhausting. I guess maybe she wrote those blogs at work?
Here's a picture of what happened after we shot all the live footage and stills.
Hint: these are all frames. they are ALL pages of hand drawn stars.
The video will be out in mid/late February. It's exciting. It was the most
expensive and physically largest project I have worked on. It was my first time
using Dragon (a cool animation program) to rotoscope over live footage. I drew
everything wih crayons and I have a dent in my finger from where the crayon
This is Sparky Taylor. She flew out to Seattle from Bloomington, Indiana to be
one of the Assistant Flight Directors.
She drew this amazing flag out of CHALK onto a pillow case. The art is the cover of the
Thermals album. Can you believe that! She also constructed several set pieces,
an amazing assortment of TV food, and some really great joke commercials for the film.
We had a really fun shoot with the Thermals at Jinx Art Space in Bellingham, WA. It
was the first night of their big tour and they gave us time between their soundcheck,
dinner, and set time to let us dress them up and do wierd shit in slow motion....
We shot a hell of alot this last week. Had a fantastic time with dry ice, fake science, and a brand new
astronaut suit from the party store. We even ripped off the great style of animation perfected (invented?) by Seattle
animator David Russo. We don't feel bad about it. If he gets pissed off about it and comes at me
with a knife, I'll take that as a compliment. Besides, I really like his films. So fuck it.
We have passed the 2 minute mark in terms of usable raw footage. The weather once again is really
even more inconsistent than last week. My intern from Indiana arrives tonight. This project has been
endowed with several great interns who have been kind of swapping in and out on shoots. I'm very lucky.
And a shout out to the Vis-a-Vis Society for saving the day with some lab coats in the 12th hour!
Addionally, a shout out to Artist and Craftsman for chalk donations!
Here are some stills from last weeks shoots.
Ingeborg Husbyn Aarsand / Gastroenterology
Otto Bulut / Rocket Man, Shane Yee / Flight Specialist, Saskia Delores / Globe Enthusiast
Tuesday 9/14 (short visit to the park when its sunny to build on timelapse ideas shot today)
Also, a trip to American Eagle Hobby in Lake City to get a model rocket ship.
Wednesday 9/15, more comprehensive shot at Cal Anderson. Potentially Re-entry or an orbit shot.
Friday 9/17 at Otto and Saskias art space. "in the lab"
Next shoot: 09/21 - Monstersorri House from 1-430/5pm ish. Select cast for Astronauts family and friends.
You know who you are.
Another great shoot at Cal Anderson Park today. Trying to take advantage of the sun to time lapse
the clouds, and work on our launch sequence. We ran a small crew to keep it simple today. Charlie, Forrest, Shane and
Tim were there did a wonderful job being really creative with what we have around the park.
Charlie took a bunch of production stills that can be seen here.
Shots today included turning knobs, monitoring Huch's heartbeat on the EKG, getting the view out of the rocket window
as we filmed through the
window on the wall of the construction site, with cement mixers, workers in safety vests
and hard hats, and pretty often, they would pound on the window and grin at us. The Sound Transit crew has been
nothing but friendly and supportive.
I cut a circle out of some cardboard and painted it with chalkboard paint. One coat and we have a rocket window. Then we
duct taped it to 2 light stands since we aren't using lights in the park. Seen here is my top fear. People who are walking close by our
tripods with cameras on them, and then let their dogs off the leash. Wild dogs. City dogs. Dogs against animation.
Also, a woman let me kid who didn't know quite how to ride his bike yet roll right up to the super 8 tripod and then
the kid tucked his little foot around it, getting ready to steady himself while the mom said nothing. She was
pushing 2 other babies in a double stroller. Then I ran over, and was all, "hey you gotta be careful around these
cameras" in a really nice way to the kid and the mom just stared at me like, "dont talk to my kid." But she never said a word.
WTF? Double stroller mom, go hang out with the anti-animation dogs.
Tomorrow Britta Johnson will be giving me a lesson in After Effects. I've never been successful but it's about
damn time I learned how to process all these crazy huge raw stills I have been taking to make the crispiest movie ever.
I've been experimenting alot with really frenetic edits and the RGB settings to get that ever so popular Hipstamatic
look that is hard to resist i na world starved of polaroid film. Such an example of this in popular tv land is the intro
to True Blood. I read an interview with the people from Digital Kitchen about it. That's right around
the corner from the Wallrus project. I wish someone would develop that an FCP plug-in for that look.
It would do pretty well I think. And where are all the Polaroid cameras now.
Holy Guacamole. We just pulled off another 10 hour day at the wall. Our second day of shooting.
We had a ton of great animators come out to play the role of flight directors. Additionaly,
we had some great crew helping us out on different cameras. We shot with a super8, a nikon, and had a
timelapse placed in the basket of Web's bike.
Several people had the task of drawing the flight path map. They took on the challange and just
destroyed it. Here is a photo!
Today we had the enormous task of animating five flight controllers at the HQ along with the rocket on the
motion path on the map on the wall. Additionally, all of the controllers were animating
their control boards. So they would have to remember where there bodies were positioned, erase chalk, replace chalk,
and then return to that position very swiftly. They did very well. We managed to shoot about 20 seconds
today. That's pretty remarkable. I owe it all to their hard work.
(Web Crowell/Mission Specialist: Unexplored Territories and Britta Johnson/Medical Director)
(Otto Bulut/Radar specialist)
I've been occupied remembering what it's like to be a director, producer, and camera operator all at once.
Joseph Traina stopped by and took some shots for us. Check it out.
(Clyde Petersen/Lunch break)
(in the midst of the brilliant flight controllers)
PLAN - shoot the mission control scene.
COSTUME: White button up shirt, long or short sleeve, black tie optional.
nerds of the 60s. glasses? chain smokers? Remember, nasa employees are
simultaneously the nerdiest and coolest people on the planet.
IF YOU: Want to be a controller, wear a costume and plan on spending a little
time getting animated. a few hours)
IF YOU: Want to be an animator, you dont need experience, but you need
to enjoy drawing, and have patience.
BRING: WATER, food if you want snacks.))))))
We spent 10 hours at the wall animating yesterday. Had a great turnout of animators and
I feel like we all took on the challenge pretty well. Amanda took these great polaroids.
Ill be animating all week, if the weather cooperates. Its been really hit and miss.
Everyday it seems like its just going to rain more and more. LAME.
Is it too much to ask for sunshine this fall Seattle?
More soon, see you at the wall!
Animation has begun on the Thermals video. I accidently set my desk on fire for an
instant when I attempted to light something with a sungun, an old lamp from the 1960s.
The bulb is still very bright.
I stopped by Seattle Motion Picture and Ron hooked me up with a
working Super 8 that shoots single frames, so I will be shooting some film for fun
alongside the nikon d90. Also aquared a wireless remote for the nikon and
a bigger memory card. Also a swanky tool belt. im not sure how construction
dudes choose their style. I went with the classic fake-leather (suede?) one. It smells and looks
like my dads old toolbelt.
To get warmed up for such an endevor, I practiced rotoscoping over some of the footage that the
Thermals sent my way. I had them film themselves playing along with the song, for future
reference. This image is just a test still.
Additionally, I also warmed up by animating a little rocket sequence. It took about 7 hours.
Here is a still from it. i was trying to get used to animating with chalk
I may have exciting news about some interns soon.
Tomrrow (09/09/2010) we begin as a group, animating at Cal Anderson. I'm meeting Web there at 8AM.
Forrest has graciously complied to be the wingman for the morning. See you at the park.
Night before the first day of shooting. Getting my color palatte organized.
Obviously I should seek out a sponsorship. This is a miniscule percentage of the
chalk aquired for the event.